Uniswap V3 & Binance Smart Chain PancakeSwap | Major Issues And Fee Problems

2 min readMay 2, 2021

Much more mass adoption is coming. Institutions are just getting started. UniSwap did announced the launch date for version 3 which is going to end up being in May. It’s not even launching with the layer 2 Ethereum solution that will reduce gas fees. It won’t even launch with the reduced gas fees at first, which was the main thing for us for Uniswap. Main thing everything is looking forward to all, “the fees”.

You been robbed of your gas fee from Uniswap. it’s happened to many people at least 15 times probably much more than that. An average cost of 50 each that’s 750 lost. That didn’t even go towards buying the coins. And then you have to do it again and pay the gas fee again. So major flaws with Uniswap and We don’t think they’re really going to fix all these problems like many people expected.

Why Uni Token Or Cake Token ?

Which is why we do think UNI token is down around 11 today. So cake token we picked this up yesterday and we are bullish on this because this is the main competitor right now. Basically, the finest smart chain version of Uniswap and the Uni token is Pancake swap. And Cake Token. But it has made a correction recently in price. And it’s back on a upward trend. With this being more bullish now than Uniswap in my opinion for the short term at least.

To learn complete, read here. https://www.invazon.com/blog/uniswap-v3-binance-smart-chain-pancakeswap-major-issues-and-fee-problems/




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